Rules for Weapon Quality in D&D 3E Josh Horowitz 3/15/02 $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2002/03/20 00:16:00 $ The standard D&D rules do not account for the quality or use of weapons. It's kinda silly, really. After 4 years of almost daily combat, your fighter is still using the same long sword he purchased as a starting adventurer. It hasn't worn out, it hasn't broken, heck, it's never even needed repairs... Weapon Quality and Use Chart Cost Quality Depreciation Terrible x.6 1-25 1d4+2 Cheap x.8 25-45 1d4+1 Normal 1 45-65 1d4 Excellent +150 65-85 1d4-1 Masterwork +300 85-100 1d4-2 Cost -- When purchasing weapons, there are 5 basic levels of quality. Use the Cost factor to determine the base cost of the weapon. Quality -- A value between 1-100. When a critical hit or fumble is rolled, roll the percentile dice against the weapons current quality value. If the percentile roll beats the quality value, the weapon breaks. Depreciation -- If a weapon survives a quality roll, depreciate the weapons quality value by this amount. Enchantments -- Subtract 20% on the quality roll for each enchantment bonus. Repair -- Weapons can be repaired to original quality value, but not higher. Cost is: (pts. repaired/original pts) * original cost